The nation's desire for change in government has reached perhaps its greatest level since the Civil War. While not old enough to recall the 60s, I think today's anger and disgust exceeds that time.
South Carolina handily awarded Barack Obama a victory, an unprecedented event in the history of the nation that brings tears to my eyes. South Carolina all but cements the recent polls that tell us that if the Democrats can just pull it together and hand him the nod,
CHECKMATE. Obama beats ANY GOP opponent. No Republican can touch him. Good luck and God Bless, Barack. My prayers are with you.
In tomorrow's New York Times, Caroline Kennedy will formally endorse Barack Obama for President.
On presidential items GOP, Florida Governor Charlie Crist has formally endorsed John McCain for the GOP nomination. Damn! McCain has a chance against Hillary. Romney does not.
Further news of the blue tsunami was noted by blogger cpmaz at his blog,
Random Musings. You can read his post. The key takeaway is that voter registrations are significantly shifting away from the GOP. Both Democrats and Independents are gaining at the expense of Republicans. The phenomena occurs across the country. Perhaps the teaming masses of lower class Americans are tired of stuffing Cheney's pigs. Word is that some think they deserve health insurance. Bush's plan to cut taxes on corporations? ExxonMobile, double digit billion profit a quarter, should pay less taxes. Ahh, the GOP, motivating voters nationwide.
In Arizona, and in particular CD 5, registration numbers are trending in a direction that gives Harry Mitchell cause for hope and a chance to defeat his challenger. Remember that Arizona is the fastest growing state in the nation. Below are percent increases in registered voters since the 2006 election:
ARIZONA CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT FIVEDemocrats: 6.5 percent (5458 voters)
Republicans: 0.15 percent (208 voters)
Independents: 8.5 (7397 voters)

In case the reader is not the statistician I've become, allow me to put it differently. For every one individual that registered as a Republican, over 26 registered as a Democrat and over 35 registered as an Independent. I don't live in District 5, but that's a tsunami.
Mitchell cannot kick back and relax. The GOP still enjoys a substantial majority in terms of total registered voters, and he faces an extraordinary challenge to keep his seat. If the Democrats nominate Obama, Harry will win. If the GOP nominates Romney, Harry can win. If we have McCain against Clinton, oh Harry, may God help you. Good luck.
I won't be saying much about CD-3 (not my turf), but Shadegg (R-AZ CD 3) slipped this week and finds himself slapped with formal allegations of
campaign finance fraud. I seem to recall a smiling mug shot of a jackass. Apparently Shadegg's PAC played shenanigans to get around that pesky $2300 limit. Shadegg's race is also heating up to become contested and the DCCC has now targeted his district with formidable challenger
Bob Lord, who is giving Shadegg a run for his money, literally. Some believe the next FEC reports will show the two neck and neck with funds raised and cash on hand. If Shadegg needs GOP support to keep his seat, it cuts into the resources available to challenge Mitchell. Good luck, Bob.
The news from the north will certainly bring a smile to our local CD-8 Congresswoman Giffords, who faces a credible challenge from AZ Senate president Tim Bee. Events to our north dramatically reduce the odds Bee will get any NRCC calvary. Bee will raise a good sum, but he will not catch her war chest. The Bee machine faces a rocket sled on rails. When Democrats go to the primary on February 5, you can pretty much bet on smiling greeters in Giffords for Congress T-shirts requesting primary voter signatures to put her on the 2008 ballot. Will we see clipboard equipped Bee units doing the same? I don't know. Bee may have a trained legion all prepared to go.
Derek, got clipboards? I mean no disrespect and wish you well. Do not underestimate the work involved to get quantity AND QUALITY of good, solid names on hundreds of pages and remember that those having already signed a Bee or Giffords petition will not be valid. Other than prior signers, I'm not clear who can't sign Derek's petition. Can any registered voter?
Another slip closer to home, LD-26 (this blog primarily covers LD-26, CD-8, and the presidential races) Senator Charlene Pesquera had a minor slip regarding financial reporting. It had no impact on anything and word is that everyone's dismissing it as a mistake on the part of a newbie. The Democrats say she is running again. Others say she is not. Charlene, this is how to lose. It's a Senate seat in a challenging district. Resolve the ambiguity. Now.
Recent press regarding fundraising suggests the GOP itself is floundering miserably compared to the Democrats. Perhaps McCain will falter for financial reasons. Still, even though he has money, go Mitt!
I'm trying so hard not to get too pumped about Obama. Watching it evaporate on the night of the fifth is going to hurt. Yes, I will vote for her over her GOP rival, but I won't like it. This blog enthusiastically endorses Barack Obama for President.