Retreating, Reloading, and Aiming

Using the intentionally inflammatory rhetoric of gun violence, Palin advises followers, "Don't retreat. Reload!"
She uses cross hair imagery on political opponents. This is actually happening. I think we've passed the point of no return to where real bullets are going to enter the picture.
However, in what I think is an illuminating metaphor for this entire fiasco of nonsense (involving a lot more than Palin's grotesque exploitation of current events for financial gain), notice the marksmanship of the Killa from Wasilla regarding Congressman Harry Mitchell, and in particular, Congresswoman Giffords.

Fussing about the sloppiness of Palin's map is choir blogging, but noting that her message now includes elected officials as targets in cross-hairs at a site telling nut jobs to "re-load" is not.
Labels: Politics
Are you for real? Do you really believe this drivel?
It is interesting that Palin has her crosshairs set on three Arizona representatives. She (her handlers) thinks she is influential in Arizona because of the McCain connection.
I agree with X4mr about the gun metaphor which isn't exactly a metaphor when you really mean it.
I don't think there's anything wrong with choir blogging so long as it's fun/creative.
The awareness of it changes everything.
What is not fun or amusing is the truly serious part of this, which is that Republican leaders are using violent and hate mongering imagery, and talk radio and Fox are stoking the flames further.
The T-shirts were quite the foreshadowing of what was later hoisted into the air on signs, and the threats are including the families of elected officials.
Palin is beyond shameless, beyond reprehensible, beyond beyond. She is the perfect embodiment of what is wrong with this country.
Observer is right. Choir away, x4mr!
I thought the post with the cow on the tracks was hilarious. Now that is the metaphor for the Republicans.
Did you hear Cantor is saying the Democrats are fanning the flames?!
Shifting paradigms produce extraordinary confusion. Ironically Obama has the most challenging presidency since Abraham Lincoln, and we drift towards a Civil War of ideas. The ideas of the past have become obsolete, and the country is slipping. Ultimately solutions will prevail, and no amount of denial can reduce the numbers on the tab left for us by the previous administration's greed and incompetence. The tea party crowd can bitch all day about the cost, but now that limited governance leads with certainty to corporate orgies and unbridled malfeasance, the only chance they have of living in the system they crave is to find a planet that works the way they think this one does.
x4mr, July 2009
The next Civil war has started, and it is anything but civil.
Hey x4mr,
I can't believe you haven't blogged about the hit on Giffords office. You've been sweet on her forever. I thought you'd have a 15,000 word piece on the subject by now.
Maybe they should replace Gifford's broken glass window with a bullet proof one now that she is in Sarah Palin's crosshairs.
you were dead on with the prediction of violence. it's sad it came to that.
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