Truth and Illusion

Like schizophrenics, we live in fantasy. The war on drugs is as much of a lie as prohibition. Congress passes the law and then heads to the speakeasy. Who is fooling whom on the border and immigration? Kooks want to torture those that come across by denying them access to medical treatment (Graf). Think that one out systemically. Our economy has organized dependence on this labor, and we pretend it hasn’t. We "pretend" those who have been working, earning wages, paying taxes, and living here for years are "criminals" and that we will be better off if we deport them (Pierce). Some of us grow so paranoid we think Muslims will take over Congress (Goode).
Our federal courts are so swamped that actual prosecution of border offenses is limited to crossers with prior convictions or engaged in serious drug trafficking. Otherwise, the case is dismissed. They cannot handle the load. To get serious about this, we are going to hire how many judges and attorneys? Well, at least we have lots of extra space in our prisons to handle those we catch.
Speaking of all the extra space we have in our prison system, the Corrections Corporation of America (CCA), a set of folks prospering most heartily over our country’s obsession with throwing kids in jail for smoking marijuana, has been found guilty of discrimination IN FAVOR of Hispanics at the Florence facility. Of course, those managing the place certainly aren’t adopting practices associated with the inmate population, which has what demographics?

No one can credibly point a finger at anyone on this one. Shame on all of us. What we are now going to do (get our shit together around safety) we should have done when the Mayor was almost killed, before a five year old got trampled to death.
Finally, Oscars are tomorrow, and Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth is nominated for several, including "best song." There is speculation he could take the stage and announce something. Hmmm.
There was a song in that film?