Dear Congresswoman Giffords,
A most heartfelt Congratulations!!
May you become part of a force for change that can’t wait that brings sanity, an awareness of reality, and 21st Century thinking to the leadership of humanity as it addresses its fragile existence on this increasingly fragile planet.
May you set a shining example for your fellow representatives as one who does not succumb to the special interest and self-serving components of the system, as one who does not allow its cynical elements to undermine your commitment to serving the people of Arizona's Eighth Congressional District, the United States of America, and Earth itself.
The weight on your shoulders is substantial, Congresswoman Giffords.
You are better educated, far better read, significantly more aware, and substantially more intelligent than the vast majority of Congress. You are one of the first of the hopefully many more
21st Century Elected Officials that will be necessary to change humanity's direction to one that has a future with humanity still in it.
Yes, this is a victory and major achievement, but if you are who I hope you are, your election will occur more like a birth than a graduation, more like the opportunity to start work, to begin a task at hand, than a completion of work, although a resounding completion of work your election is indeed for you and your remarkable staff.
For you,
Contrary to the opinions that our President and Vice President have of themselves and each other, no human being is perfect.
Unlike these individuals, you have the wisdom to know that we are all works in progress. As this last campaign has no doubt shown, to serve as you are committed to serving will require growth and development. Witnessing your growth from afar these last eight months has been inspiring, and consider that you are just getting started. Given what I think is possible for you, I have a request. Should the occasion arise where the growth necessary to achieve your aim uncovers an area to improve, a skill to be strengthened, a flaw to resolve, and we all have ours, please don't react as our President has reacted. You are a better human being than that, and part of a nobler, bigger mission. I haven't a clue what might show up that impairs your serving as you are committed to serving, but if something does,
FIX IT.Global Warming is only one component of what we must address to establish a
SUSTAINABLE balance with the production of the resources we need to survive. Not just in this country, but on this planet, we must find appropriate mechanisms to counter the forces that concentrate wealth, power, and privilege, and serve to maintain a level of
EQUITY and fairness, economic fairness, judicial fairness, and political fairness, in a manner that makes sense.
Your commitment to Education has been demonstrated in the Arizona Legislature. The expansion of knowledge also includes supporting and enabling our scientists and researchers both public and private to operate free of handcuffs. I summarize the ongoing growth of our relationship with truth, be it at the level of knowledge, wisdom, or profound spiritual insight, with the word
DEVELOPMENT. I assert that without this, humanity is doomed.
THE REAL CONFLICTAt the space shuttle altitude someone close to you has experienced, I imagine a perspective looking down on the human beings living on earth, and I see a fundamental bifurcation between 1) those eagerly promoting activities that generate new ideas, new ways of thinking, and new relationships with truth that integrate human beings with different points of view, and 2) those desperately defending inherited beliefs and points of view, regarding those who believe differently as threats.
One side will recognize and respond to inconvenient truths. The other will ignore and suppress them. One side will foster research, education, and the expansion of knowledge. The other will suppress it. One side will challenge assumptions, listen, welcome new thinking and learn. The other will not listen and will kill to protect its version of the truth.
This bifurcation is not new. Half a millennia ago the Catholic Church was beating up a man named Copernicus who had figured something out, and they didn't want to hear it. Back then, the world had less than 10% of the people it has today. With the population and technology of the 21st Century, this bifurcation is spiraling into what I speculate will be the true Third World War, a conflict between open minds who wish to expand knowledge at all levels to address the challenges we face, and closed minds who wish to suppress new ideas and maintain existing views, even if it brings about an Armageddon some actually believe is supposed to happen.
The subtitle of this blog,
A Quest for Context and Meaning, is by design. We must find higher contexts: a higher spiritual context that illuminates the truth within all religions and renders their differences inconsequential, a higher economic context that nourishes production yet removes the financial bondage inflicted on all but a small fraction of our world, a higher political context where nations truly see that what is in the best interests of each must include the best interests of all. Ultimately, we must mature our relationship with what it means to be a human being and what is important.
The 21st Century Elected Officials are those that realize these ideas and those like sustainability, equity, and development are not abstract, irrelevant notions for entertaining coffee shop conversations. These ideas are very real, and they have profound implications for policies we desperately need to implement and soon.
In this context, your most powerful opponents are not in Iraq, Pakistan, North Korea, or Iran.
They are in Washington DC.
I have no idea how one would go to Washington, open minds that are closed, find contexts not yet created, and become truly effective in facing the unprecedented challenges threatening humanity's future, not even sure I could begin to know how to begin to start.
I believe I speak for many when I thank you and extend the deepest gratitude for your having the courage and the spirit to fight the fight as part of the solution. Some have already started this fight. They desperately need help, and
yours will be most welcome. Now go to Washington, Congresswoman Giffords. You go.
Godspeed, and God Bless.