Cigar Man Graph / Identity

Thanks to Cigar Man for sending me an email that suggested I produce the graph showing total enrollment figures for the University of Arizona and Pima Community College. The graph reflects the solid data that public institutions are mandated to submit to the Department of Education. The counts reflect real students taking courses for credit.
As you can see from the graph, Pima College enrollment is growing at a rate faster than that of the University of Arizona, and it is generally felt that the harsh economic climate is causing students to choose PCC over the university to save money, either settling for two year degrees or using PCC and then transferring.
Folks should understand that the growing enrollment is occurring as public funding for both institutions has been cut dramatically. The impact hits both institutions and students. Class sizes are increasing. Faculty are being stratified to include lower paid instructors and lecturers. Use of graduate students as fully accountable teachers operating with minimal supervision (or none) is climbing.
This is but one of the countless consequences of the Bush administration, which set up policies that funnel all wealth to the richest 1% of the nation. They get everything. The rest of us do without.
Speaking of Cigar Man, I've received more than a few inquiries on his identity. He has granted me permission to let people know that he is in education and has been involved with workforce development for many years. He has taught classes himself and understands the front lines of what it takes to teach and develop people in the real world. What he and I share is the interest in REALITY versus the bullshit of empty rhetoric and the circus we know as the Cloth.
When SAIAT started to really take off in 2005 and 2006, training thousands of people in hundreds of companies, the cloth components of workforce development and economic development went crazy. Someone started to actually do something on the stage where they enjoyed their do nothing jobs. I owe him a lot for warning me that my days were numbered. As far as I can remember, he has been 100% correct in everything he has said.
SAIAT is long gone, and Nina Trasoff is being paid $5000 to tell us about training. We know the difference it will make. Things are back to normal.