Ranking Presidents and a Hero

Until shown otherwise, I think we are witnessing history of extraordinary proportions, not just the first African American President, but one who may become one of the best in history, a figure of Lincoln and Washington proportions. Only time will tell, but so far, fantastic, which led me to consider the ranking of US Presidents from best to worst according to highly educated historians, political science professors, and other scholars. So, using an algorithm I won't take the time to describe, except to say that it aggregates numerous rankings from many sources, and I mean MANY sources, I obtained these results:

2. Franklin D. Roosevelt
3. George Washington
4. Thomas Jefferson
5. Theodore Roosevelt
6. Woodrow Wilson
7. Harry Truman
8. Andrew Jackson
9. Dwight Eisenhower
10. James Polk
11. John Adams
12. John F. Kennedy
13. James Madison
14. Lyndon Johnson
15. James Monroe
16. Grover Cleveland
17. William McKinley
18. John Quincy Adams
19. Ronald Reagan
20. William Howard Taft
21. Bill Clinton
22. Martin Van Buren
23. Rutherford Hayes
24. Chester Arther

26. George HW Bush
27. Gerald Ford
28. Jimmy Carter
29. Benjamin Harrison
30. Calvin Coolidge
31. Richard Nixon
32. James Garfield
33. Zachary Taylor
34. John Tyler
35. Millard Fillmore
36. Ulysses S.Grant
37. William Henry Harrison
38. Andrew Johnson
39. Franklin Pierce
40. James Buchanan
41. Warren G. Harding
42. George W. Bush
If you don’t like the ranking, find your own. There are lots of them. Naturally, Lincoln emerges as the best, a finding consistent with my view, but several results surprised me. Again, I am not the scholar here. First, I expected Clinton to rank higher and Reagan to rank lower, and Theodore Roosevelt’s ranking seems too high. What made Teddy so good? I'm also not clear that Harding was actually worse than Buchanan. Who could be worse than Buchanan? Well, we have an answer to that, too.
The list only includes 42 people as a result of Grover Cleveland’s serving as both the 22nd and the 24th President.