Cloth Carnage Continues

Remember we are talking about the Cloth, so attributes like intelligence, productivity, integrity, and a genuine desire to contribute to the community are profound liabilities and cause for alarm. Durband was the Executive Director of the functional Tucson Downtown Alliance. His alarms probably sounded when the Cloth injected pure fabric into his group, hoisting an overpaid suit named Glenn Lyons from Canada (who'd he know?) and adding Hecker, Shelko, Snell, and other flab to the board, creating a bloated, dysfunctional suit stuffer (Downtown Tucson Partnership) with no commensurate increase in funding, so to pay the suit they had to toss real workers. I don't know if either were forced to leave, saw what's coming, or just couldn't stand the retching anymore. I remember at the San Manuel smelter (huge company) when all of the accounting people started resigning in droves. I remained in denial until the plane literally exploded on the ground. Whoops. I did not make that mistake with SAIAT.
Speaking of departures, not too long ago someone told me that BJ Smith, a former City of Tucson economic development worker who served on SAIAT's board, had left TREO. BJ resigned from SAIAT's board right about the time TREO stole its funding. Working at TREO today must be awful, and I don't envy remaining workers Gerri (former city) or Tiffany (former county) as they work amongst empty cubicles and unused furniture bought with the blood of destroyed non-profits. Both should update their resumes and find work with human beings, a likely objective of Durband, O'Malley, and the other decent people leaving the Clothiverse.
Good luck.